Reiki 2: Okuden

Usui Reiki Course 2 Advanced Level.

This course takes one day.

Time: approx. 09.00-17.00.

Course 2 deepens the understanding of Reiki and introduces the use of Reiki symbols to amplify and direct the energy.

This includes:

Course manual by William Lee Rand.

Reiki Symbols: The introduction of the three traditional Reiki symbols that increase the strength of the energy and enable focusing the Reiki energy for specific purposes, including distance healing.

Distance Reiki: The art of sending Reiki to people or situations at a distance in space and time.

Spiritual development: Informatio on how Reiki can promote spiritual growth and awareness.

Initiation: An attunement that expands the your ability to channel the Reiki energy using the symbols.

More techniques: Learn techniques such as Gyoshi-ho (sending Reiki with the eyes), Koki-ho (blowing the energy into your client) and more.

Course diploma.

Continuous support.