
Sometimes very unexpected things happen in connection with Reiki. It can be when you are initiated into Reiki 1, 2 or 3 or just undergo a treatment. Here I collect interesting, thought-provoking images and other things that I received from customers (and in some isolated cases it is about an experience I had myself).


A client measured her stress level during and after our Reiki session (without my knowledge, which was kind of fun to do). The white old man in the picture at the top marks when the Reiki was sent (it was at a distance). The graphs show that a clearly lower stress level begins and persists throughout the following day.

The clients writes in her text-message:

"Here you can see what my high-tech fitness tracker says about my stress level as well. The icon with the Meditation Guy marks when we did Reiki. The second picture is then the day today. You can see that the average value is clearly lower than yesterday, and I have done about the same things as I always do."

The heart in the stone floor

Another client found this black heart in the bathroom floor after a number of Reki sessions in 2023. The client has lived in this house for twenty years with both of her daughters, and has seen the same floor day in and day out. But then on January 1, 2024, she found this.

It becomes extra personal if you consider her close relationship with the color black, and especially with black little hearts.

No matter how you interpret it, it's a nice reminder that a new year can mean new opportunities and chances for change - which is exactly what Reiki is all about.

The heart on the sidewalk

This is almost unbearably cliché at first glance. But the fact is, I actually came across this heart on the sidewalk when I was out walking. Normally I would never give a damn, but right then I was going through an extremely intense period after initiation into Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 and seeing pink and purple things everywhere, not least in my apartment (yes, I have pictures of that too but we'll have to do with the heart for now). Everything was very intense and I actually asked for confirmation: am I completely crazy or is everything as it should be? Are good things happening or should I be worried? In fact, I had to talk to several people to try to integrate what happened. The day after I asked for some kind of message, this heart was on the sidewalk right where I was walking. An answer or not? Impossible to know. But it can be added that this is part of a longer story where I was just told that my heart chakra was opening up and that I then ended up in the cardiac intensive care unit with inexplicable symptoms and was declared healthy after a week of observation... while my blood pressure at the same time went down spontaneously for the first time in twelve years (all this happened in Bucharest). Bottom line: I've been forced to open up to so much more since being initiated to the three levels of Reiki – not because I find this stuff exciting but because the only reasonable reaction is to accept how little one knows and understands.